Tuesday, January 24, 2012

[Interview + Translation] Kim Hyung Jun Seolnal Interview With HeraldBiz

about Kyu Jong:

1) 그보다 약간 앞서 SS501의 김규종 역시 연기에 도전했다. 종합편성채널 TV조선 ‘고봉실 아줌마 구하기’(극본 박은령, 연출 윤상호). 김형준처럼 타이틀롤은 아니지만, 김해숙 독고영재 천호진 등 대선배들과 같이 하는 그 역시 부담감은 클 터. 두 사람은 서로를 격려하고 응원하며 전보다 더욱 돈독해졌다.

Before him, another fellow SS501 member Kim KyuJong had also challenged acting; it was through a cable channel TV Chosun's "Go Bongshil Ajumma'. Just like Kim Hyung Jun, his(KyuJong's) wasn't the title role, but since having to act alongside major seniors like Kim Haesuk, Dokgo Youngjae, Chun Hojin etc, he (KyuJong) too must have felt huge burden. Along the way as both of them constantly encouraged and supported each other, unknowingly, they have become much more closer than before.

2) “규종이와는 자주 연락하고 가장 많이 보는 멤버 중 하나예요. 서로 첫 방송을 모니터 해주면서 부족한 부분을 조언해주죠. 둘다 첫 작품이라 부담스럽고 긴장되기 때문에 응원하며 격려하고 있죠. 정말 큰 힘이 돼요”

"Among the members whom I meet most and contact most frequently, KyuJong is one of them. When both of our dramas first aired, we monitored over each other's and also gave many comments and suggestions on areas that lacked. It was the first for both of us so it was natural that we will feel stressed and nervous, but because we both cheered on and encouraged each other, it became a real strength for (us)".

about SS:

3) 연기자로 변신한 김형준을 필두로 SS501의 멤버들은 각자 자신의 위치에서 제 몫을 하고 있다.

“가 수, 무대에 대한 아쉬움도 있는 것이 사실이죠. 좀 더 많은 정규 음반을 내고 더 활발하게 활동 했으면 좋았을 텐데 하는 생각들. 하지만 지금은 멤버들이 각자의 자리에서 제 몫을 다 하고 있는 것 같아서 뿌듯하고 든든해요. 다들 솔로 활동이 쉽지 않을 텐데, 대견하고 기특한 마음도 있고요(웃음)”

Including Kim Hyung Jun who has now transformed into an actor, all SS501 members are also doing their individual activities on their own part right now.

"It is a fact that (us) singers feel this certain upsetness about the stage. Thoughts like if only we had released more full albums and did more active promotions back when we could. But as our members are doing our individual activities on each of our parts now, it's quite heart-warming and reassuring about that to see, too. It isn't easy doing solo activities for us all, so I think it really was quite applauding and commendable about that (the fact of doing solo activities on own) (laughs)".

about Japan plays:

4) 또 그는 일본 공연에 대한 다부진 포부도 잊지 않았다. “지난해 일본에서 20회 공연”을 했다는 김형준. 열광적으로 응원해주고 지지해주는 일본 팬들에 대한 감사함을 늘 가슴 속에 품고 있기에 2012년 역시, 특별한 무대를 선사하기 위해 준비 중이다.

“현 지 공연을 많이 하다 보니 일본 팬분들도 많이 좋아해주시는 것 같고, 저 역시도 뿌듯하고 감격스러워요. 공연은 어떻게든 관객들을 또 오게 만드는 매력, 힘이 있어야 하잖아요. 그래서 다음번에는 좀 더 많은 것들을 기획하고 싶어요. 지금부터 조금씩 구상해야 겠죠”

In addition, he did not forget about the goals he set for his plays (concert/shows) in Japan. He "did 20 plays in Japan last year". He embraces the gratitude he feels towards his Japanese fans who are always there supporting and cheering on for him passionately, so that is why in 2012 too, he will also exhibit yet another special stage(s) for them. He is already preparing.

"I did many plays there, our Japanese fans seem to like it very much, and me myself too, feels proud about it and also moved. A play must have the charm and power to make its audiences want to return to watch again, isn't it. So that's why for my next play, I would like to plan for more things (to be included). I have to now start planning bit by bit".

about Jang Keun-suk:

4) 그런 의미에서 그에게 장근석은 배울 것이 참 많은 친구이자 같은 길을 걷는 동료다. 드라마를 시작하기 전에도 조언을 많이 얻었고, 일본 공연 역시 보고 배우는 것이 많다.

“드라마를 시작한다고 했을 때 (장)근석이가 조언을 많이 해줬어요. 그 친구에게 많은 것을 배우고 있어요. 마음가는대로 하는 자유로운 영혼이지만, 자신이 해야 할 일을 꼭 해내고 마는 멋진 친구기도 하죠. 요즘엔 드라마 이야기를 많이 물어보고요. 서로 비슷한 부분도 많기 때문에 연기에 대한 조언 외에도 마음 속 깊은 이야기를 털어놓기도 합니다”

Speaking of which, it reminded him of Jang Keunsuk. To him, Jang Keunsuk is a friend whom he can learn very much from, and is also a colleague who's treading a same path as he is. Before he(Hyung Jun) started his drama, he has had received many advices from Keunsuk, and even for the Japan concert plays too, he has been learning alot from Keunsuk's by watching his.

"When I said I was going to do a drama, Keunsuk gave many advices. I'm learning alot from this friend. He is a so-cool friend who may be very free-spirited and carefree, doing as his heart yearns, but for matters that he must complete, he will put forth his best to complete those. These days I have been consulting alot of his help about doing dramas. I guess it's because we have alot of similarities, so besides chatting about acting, we also share deep heart-felt talks".
about message to fans:

5) “팬들에게는 항상 감사합니다. SS501을 좋아하고 무대의 모습을 보고 싶어하는 이들에게는 미안한 마음도 있지만, 더욱 노력해서 다른 모습으로 보답하고 싶어요. 드라마를 찍을 때도 큰 힘이 돼줘서 마음 속 깊이 고맙고, 팬들에게 보답하는 길은 열심히 하는 것밖에는 없다고 생각해요. 늘 팬들의 마음을 잊지 않고, 되새기고 있어요”

"I am always thankful to our fans. Though I also feel somewhat apologetic towards those who love SS501 and hope to see on stage, I also wish to repay by working harder to show a different side of mine. Thank you to them from the deepest of my heart for becoming such a strong force of support while I'm shooting the drama, and so the only way I think to repay our fans would be to work hard and still work hard. I never forget our fans' love as I remeditate it in my heart all the while".


credits: news.nate.com + ss501ode.blogspot.com (English Translation)

[Scan] Kim Hyun Joong Josei Joshin (Japanese Magazine)


credits: @yumi_mochi69

[Photo] Kim Hyun Joong Kiss Kiss / Lucky Guy Promotions at Shibuya Japan


credit: murdererQ

[Photo] Kim Hyun Joong Japan Mobile Site Update; Leaving Hirunandesu TV Station


source:kimhyunjoong.jp mobile site

[Vid] Kim Hyung Jun KBS Sunshine Girl / Glowing She X-File 1

English Subbed


credit: PrettyBoyJun2/sunshinejunnie
English Translation : Angel @ flywithSS501.com
Timing+ Encoding : HJ_fan @ kimhyungjunThailand.com

[Info / Translation] Kim Hyun Joong Kiss Kiss / Lucky Guy Release Commemorative Exhibitions Details

Japan debut single “Kiss Kiss / Lucky Guy” release commemorative exhibitions will be held at the locations below.

Venue: Tower Records, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
Period: 24/01/2012 ~ 31/01/2012
Details: Clothing Display (“Lucky Guy” Korean version MV costumes & panels)

Venue: Yamano Music, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
Period: 24/01/2012 ~ 06/02/2012
Details: Clothing Display (“Lucky Guy” Korean version MV costumes & panels)


credits: Henecia.com + 雪舞天涯@Hyunbar66.cn (Chinese Translation) + tzeyin28@facebook.com/DS501fanpage (English Translation)
photo credit: elley

[Vid] Kim Hyun Joong on OHA TV Show


credits: http://www.kimhyunjoong24.com/   

[News] Kim Hyung Jun Wants to Become Official Nation's "it" Guy to Date of 2012

“Hello, my name is Kang Min,” rookie actor Kim Hyung Jun greeted upon meeting with StarNew for an interview. The singer turned actor made his small-screen debut with ‘Sunshine Girl‘ which aired its pilot episode on January 7th.

“I feel like I’m still in character where ever I go,” he continued.

Kim Hyung Jun has been busy focusing on acting these days as top star Kang Min in new drama series, ‘Sunshine Girl’. According to the script, Kang Min is a woman-swooning jerk, a large contrast to his put-together appearance. He is arrogant and ruthless, but a character that the viewers keep wanting to see more of.

Kim Hyung Jun debuted in 2005 with his group, SS501 and is making his successful transformation as an actor with his new role.

“I don’t know how many months I spent preparing for this drama,” he said. “I was so confident before the shoot began, but once we actually started, I began drawing blanks. It’s like I’m a rookie all over again. Hi, I’m rookie actor Kim Hyung Jun.”

His new character is definitely different from his own innocent and shy image fans have come to know and love. We asked if he sees even a small part of himself in his new character.

“The real Kim Hyung Jun is as gentle as a pony,” he said. “The character has a personality that’s very different from my own, which makes it a little difficult. I added a little bit of rugged charm to my personality, and luckily I think it worked well.”

Perhaps it’s because it’s his first time acting, but he seemed dissatisfied with the way he performed on set. He could have cut himself some slack, as this is his first time, but it looked as though he set the bar pretty high for himself.

“When I look back on my scene, there are so many areas where it feels so unnatural. I am thinking of how I can improve, especially in areas where I have to deliver emotion or use a lot of gestures. There’s going to be no big change overnight, but I will continue to talk with the staff members and my co-stars to improve in the future,” he said.

The actor feels he is still lacking in a lot of different ways, and insists that he will improve with time, rather than boasting that he seems pretty good for a rookie.

We asked what he wanted to accomplish as an actor. “When people see my dramas or the characters I take on, I want people to recognize that it’s classically Kim Hyung Jun.”

The actor seems to show a lot of passion for acting. “When this drama is over, I would like to try a drama that airs on public television,” he said. ”But for a large-scale drama like that, I need to improve my acting drastically. I don’t want people to say that I’m a horrible actor, and so I need to try harder now.”

He also expressed his gratitude towards his co-stars such as So Ee Hyun, Park Kwang Hyun, and more. It’s a well-known fact that if the actors on set do not have good relationships, it makes it hard to act on-screen with them as well. Their relationships in real life affect their on-screen chemistry. Kim Hyung Jun expressed that he was really worried about this, but that now they are all like one big family.

“So Ee Hyun is like a real sister to me, while Park Kwang Hyun is like my older brother. They both take care of me really well. They always contact me first, offering to buy me a meal. I thank truly thankful for those two. They also give me advice on how to be more natural on camera. Even when the drama comes to an end, I would like to maintain our relationship,” he said.

The rookie actor creates a love connection with So Ee Hyun in the drama, and in the acting world, he is the current ‘it’ guy. Although he plays the role of a bad boy, viewers cannot get enough of him.

“I know that some viewers are not fond of my character, but a lot of them think that my character is cute and want to continue to see me throughout the program. I think this is the appeal of a younger man. And in 2012, I would like to become the nation’s official “it” young guy to date.”


Source & Image : StarNews via Naver

[Vid / English Subbed] Kim Hyung Jun Sunshine Girl / Glowing She Drama

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3


credit: sunshinejunnie

[Photo + Translation] Kim Hyun Joong Surprise Visit at Kiss Kiss Screening in Japan

Korean singer Kim Hyun Joong (25 years old) who casted in dramas like “Boys Over Flowers” is still actively carrying out activities as a singer despite being an actor has made a surprise appearance at the Japan debut single MV premiere event that was held in Japan. “Kiss Kiss / Lucky Guy” release commemoration cum MV premiere event is the event that was held today. Japanese artist KABA醬 also watched the MV as the event leader.

When Kim Hyun Joong made a surprise appearance at the event, everyone in the venue was extremely excited, including KABA醬. Kim Hyun Joong said: “Hearing everyone enthusiastically cheer for me makes me more confident.” Kim Hyun Joong casted in the AEON Valentine CF. When asked about his Valentine’s Day memories, he said: “When I was a high school student, I played truant and went to her school. I gave her sweets face-to-face.” Furthermore, KABA醬 proudly danced to “Kiss Kiss”. Kim Hyun Joong said in Japanese: “You’ve worked hard. Everyone please give him a round of applause.” His Japan debut single will be released on January 25th.


Source: tv-asahi.co.jp
Original article: http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/ann/geinou/geinou_news/contents/hot_20120123_170.html
English translation: tzeyin28 @ facebook.com/DS501fanpage

[Scan] Kim Hyun Joong on 2012 Japanese Newspaper


source: elley
credit: @khjean14

[Vid] Kim Hyun Joong on Japanese TV Dodesuka


credit as tag

[Scan] Kim Hyun Joong Hottest Issue of the Year on People Magazine

OOMMOOOOO!! gonna avail for this mag! 


credit: Ms.D@fb

[Scan] Kim Hyun Joong on Daily Sports (Japanese Newspaper)


credits: http://blog.daum.net/elley0606

[Vid] Kim Hyun Joong on Week Idol


credit: cozy1010

[Info] Kim Hyun Joong; Idol Who Owns Expensive Home

Singer Kim Hyun Joong lives in a European-style villa located in the Chungdamdong area. A small garden is located outside the villa, as well as a number of parks.

His home is reported to be worth anywhere from $1.7 to $2.6 million US dollars, which he purchased after being highly successful with concerts, album sales, advertisements, and more in Japan.

The singer reportedly earned an impressive $3.5 million after ‘Boys Before Flowers‘ aired on TV, filming various CFs among other promotions. His official character U:ZOOSIN also sold over 50,000 units earning a profit of $1.7 million dollars.


credit: @khjean14